
Carvill Letter Book, page 35 - Letter from Elizabeth Martin Carvill to her daughter Ruth Martin Carvill, dated 3 Nov 1908, (end continues in next page)

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    Box 1LB1908_064

  • Description

    Downshire Rd, Newry - November 3rd 1908. Dear Ruth I got your letter asking me to send on your songs which I expect to do in a day or two-- I also received your certificate of righteousness in regard to the Crossle ladies.   I don't know under what circumstances you came to write such a document in view of what you left behind you.   However neither it nor your attitude towards us since has breathed much regard for your Father or me.   So that I don't see that there is anything more to be said. And with regard to the rest of your letter.   The afternoon I met you with Miss Mary Crossle I said "Good Evening" to you and was ready at the show to have done so again had you come to speak to me or shown any anxiety to do so. Your Mother. NOTE:   Ruth married Philip Crossle on 29 June 1908.   Philip was 13 years older than Ruth who was 20 years old at the time of the marriage.   Philip only had ONE sister, Mary Crossle.   Not sure who the "Crossle ladies" refers to but it may be Mary Crossle and her mother

  • Name of Recipient


    Ruth (Ruth Martin Carvill) Crossle

  • Name of Sender


  • Address of Recipient


  • Address of Sender


  • Signed

    Mother (Elizabeth Martin Carvill)

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